Cordula, Shiatsu therapist, hypnosis and mental coach practices in the "Cottage" in Baden-Baden, Germany and now also in the Glow Health & Beauty Lounge on Lake Zurich, Switzerland.


On request, she is also available on Skype.


At regular intervals, she invites to holistic retreats on Sylt, Mallorca and Bali.

In my work, I assume that my clients already have the solution to their problems, even though they themselves can not yet see it.

I give help for self-help, tailored to each individual, because each person is unique.


The braver a client gets into the process and the deeper he wants to find the solution, the more he takes out of the sessions. Through this process, I use various methods ranging from hypnosis to systemic constellations, medial-spiritual accompaniment, to relaxation techniques such as Shiatsu and Seiki.


It involves the transformation of blocking thinking, belief and behavior patterns and the work with the "inner child".

In this change process, my clients learn to differentiate themselves in a healthy way and to stand by themselves. Above all, they meet themselves. My coaching and therapy work is a life and consciousness school that leads to the "inner pearl", namely to the authentic core back and to profound healing on all three levels.


Inner peace, serenity and well-being are the reward for the search for the same "pearl", which we bring outward together.